The poems in this thread are all taking some aspect of how Time features in much of our thinking and actions -and plans for actions...
It's Time
It's time to bring hope for the future to the many who are just clinging on
It's time to say no to more tyranny and those that siphoned riches away for too long
It's time to stand up and make our voices heard, so be sure you are not silent again
It's time that our votes are placed and counted, so no extremists can tell us when
Don't let them tell us when it's time to throw more people out from their homes
Don't let a million people live by begging at food banks and taking out payday loans
Don't force another generation to expect no decent jobs will ever be found where they live
Don't make them feel they have nothing to offer that is worthy of pay for the time they give
It's time for change to get the super rich out of the power they hold over all of us
It's time for change when 1% own more than over half the rest of our population does
It's time for change, so come on everyone, get on down to vote for that this week
It's time for change to bring some sense of equality back so more can seek
Seek a future with a home they can call theirs for as long as they need
Seek a future where the jobs pay a living wage so all that want can succeed
Seek the right box to tick when you vote, for no change will come if we do not
Seek the right path to take by conscience for if we don't care what have we got?
May 3rd 2015
Now Is The Time
And the children keep on coming
Though it's not their fault you see
Thirteen million of them are lost
With greater need than simple poverty
These are the orphans of the world
With a need far too great to overlook
Let's forego some rounds of ammunition
And ask all in power to take a closer look
As orphan numbers swell in life now
So ever more in casualties they do cost
Worse than the wars we daily read about
Three thousand every day are being lost
Bring every voice to bear upon those we need to sign
Papers that will bring power to send Hope to them all
Action now is needed for our love in action to show
This is a great big thing we ask what a shame it isn't small
April 18th 2009
A Timeless Legacy
This world is still a wonderful place,
to mess it up more would be our disgrace
so keep it fine for our children to see
for that would become their timeless legacy...
In truth we are not owners of the land,
but merely tenants that should understand,
all simply share the woods and the seas,
with millions of natures other great species.
June 24th 2011
Edited April 5th 2012
Another Shore
Given time I'll tread the path again
Hold my own in this crazy world of pain
Shake the shackles of all that's passed
Maybe learn to love myself at last
We look around and see the madness
The frenzied dash for more
All the while I'm wondering
If we can reach another shore
Some distant place where value is held
To be in people not their goods
Where peace and understanding
Are taught and understood
For in this land where cash was king
And now replaced by plastic
Our spending's planned by marketeers
Who show us things that are fantastic
But do we need them to live in peace
Or are they really too devisive
Those that can buy them with ease
And hate those that stoop to stealing
So take me back to a place and time
When spin doctors and marketing grime
Had never even been given a thought
Where people shared their tables
With strangers that had sought
A place to shelter from life's gales
May 6th 2008
Tell me
It is time to rise
Bring me back to wakened state
Early enough to contemplate
All that must be done this day
Try to balance work and play
Signals we use to define our time and place
Something in common throughout this human race
Our need to define the way we run our lives
Without such disciplines would we long survive?
Toll me
Upon my demise
Bring the people to see my parting marked for all
Some will come to say goodbyes and see the pall
Others may mark that time in their own way
While I can lay still without guilt that day
The longest rest some believe brings with it a new dawn
If I find that I still have some more to say will I yawn
And rise spirit like to visit these keys some more
A ghost with lines to write or will I just silent snore?
Tell all
If I come again...
April 3rd 2010